Wednesday, August 15, 2007

a little old, a little new

this weekend, i spent far too many hours in the heat shooting over 30 games of kids playing soccer. whee. i managed to stay hydrated, and looking through the photos, i came to the realization that children suck at playing sports. i mean, they are very terrible. wow. here is a fantastic photo that anyone can get if they manage to have the autofocus touch on a shoe instead of the intended moment.

looking through some of my old photos on a hard drive that needed cleaning, i came across a photo that was taken several years ago. Alyssa Schukar, Kris Kolden and I decided to go on a pan-nebraskan tour. I just wanted to post this to remind people that everyone should take road trips. I have always enjoyed carhenge. if you ever have the chance, head out to alliance NE to see a true piece of american art.

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