Friday marked the end of my tenure as photo editor at the Daily Nebraskan. Chris VanKat, rock star and all around great photographer has taken my place. Best of luck to you, CVK. I know you will do great.
As a side note, I have only 8 days until i leave for Africa. Nervous? Damn right. I have never been so excited and anxious before in my life.
Greg, you rock the collective socks of everyone.
How long will you be in Africa???
i will be in africa for 9 days on the ground. the website went up last night, and there will be a link to a blog up in a few days at
¡Que tristé! Voy a echo de menos mi jefe foto favorito. Pasate bien en Africay buena suerte.
How sad! I'm going to miss my favorite photo chief. Have fun in Afcria and good luck.
¡Felices Fiestas! Happy Holidays!
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